1 Kings 3 Commentary
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Solomon’s marriage alliance with Pharaoh signified both the height of Israel’s influence and the seeds of its future troubles.
God provided a central place for worship so that His people could honor His name as one community.
This verse shows that Solomon’s sincere love for the LORD coexisted with incomplete loyalty.
Solomon demonstrates reverence and earnest worship at Gibeon, illustrating how wholehearted devotion positions us to receive God’s guidance and favor.
Solomon is given an open invitation to ask for what truly matters.
God’s faithful mercy to David now makes way for His faithful mercy toward Solomon.
Solomon demonstrates that the path to God’s favor is paved with humility, reliance on divine guidance, and a willingness to learn from the LORD.
God graciously places His people in the care of those who humbly rely on His guidance.
Solomon humbly petitioned the Lord for supernatural discernment to rule Israel wisely and distinguish good from evil.
God set His favor on Solomon because Solomon humbly asked for divine wisdom.
God honors Solomon’s heartfelt desire for discernment by valuing wisdom above personal gain.
Solomon’s God-given wisdom set him apart as an extraordinary leader and positioned him to carry out justice and guide his people in righteousness.
God’s abundant provision shows His capacity to bless His people for His glorious purposes.
God promises Solomon a blessed, extended life if he remains faithful and keeps the Lord’s commandments.
Solomon’s faithful response emphasizes the joy of serving God in gratitude for His gifts.
This verse introduces a case that powerfully illustrates how wisdom from God can resolve deep and emotional conflicts in society with dazzling clarity.
Two women living in the same house appeal to Solomon to judge which child belongs to which mother.
This verse highlights that God’s wisdom is vital in bringing clarity to disputes.
This verse highlights the tragic loss of one child and sets the scene for Solomon’s display of divine wisdom.
This verse shows the depth of anguish and the poignant conflict that set the stage for King Solomon’s renowned demonstration of wisdom.
This verse demonstrates how desperation and a mother’s keen awareness paved the way for Solomon’s wise judgment.
This verse shows two desperate women seeking a verdict from a righteous authority in a seemingly impossible situation.
Solomon carefully reminded the women—and all who listened—that justice before God rests on uncovering truth, however tangled it may be.
Solomon’s demonstration of wisdom clarifies that the path to uncovering truth may be unexpected, but it is always purposeful.
The verse underscores Solomon’s wise and dramatic tactic, revealing the true mother through a test of sacrificial love.
This verse underscores the power of wisdom to expose hidden motives and the strength of genuine love to save and protect.
Solomon’s wisdom rescued an innocent child and revealed the loving mother’s true identity.
This verse illustrates that the people honored and respected Solomon because they believed God’s wisdom guided his leadership.
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