Ezekiel 2 Commentary
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God calls a humble servant to attentively receive and courageously proclaim His message to a people in need of correction.
God’s Spirit enables His servants to stand and hear His message.
God sends His servants to speak hope even to the rebellious.
God sends His prophet to a rebellious people in order to offer them a chance at restoration.
They will surely come to recognize that God’s word stands firm despite human defiance.
God commands Ezekiel to remain fearless and faithful when delivering His message to a hostile and rebellious people, assuring him of divine support despite the severe opposition he will encounter.
God’s words must be shared, whether people choose to believe or not.
Ezekiel 2:8 is a call to humble submission and faithful stewardship of God’s word.
Ezekiel is given a sacred scroll in a vision, revealing God’s direct communication and commission during Israel’s exile.
This verse reminds us that God’s messages of judgment are ultimately meant to bring His people back to Himself.
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