Ezekiel 25 Commentary
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God’s penetrating truth offers hope and direction to those who listen.
This verse displays the powerful call to confront wrongdoing and speak God’s truth regardless of opposition.
God’s rebuke of the Ammonites underscores the seriousness of reverencing His holy dwelling and caring for His people.
God’s judgment uproots the complacent who rely on worldly power.
God’s sovereign judgment humbles every proud heart and reminds all people to trust in Him alone.
God condemns those who scornfully celebrate the troubles of others.
In the end, this verse underscores the certainty of divine justice upon arrogance and cruelty.
This verse underscores the sovereignty of God over mocking nations.
God’s sovereignty extends over all nations, and His judgments serve as a call for humility among every people group.
This verse underscores that God’s sovereign judgment can bring even the mightiest of peoples to obscurity.
This verse speaks of God’s sovereign justice as a clear demonstration of His lordship over those who oppose Him.
This verse reveals God’s righteous displeasure against those who choose vengeance over forgiveness.
God’s judgement on Edom shows that no nation or people stand invincible against the Lord’s righteous hand.
Edom’s actions would be repaid in full measure by God’s decree.
Ezekiel 25:15 announces that the Philistines’ ongoing vindictiveness will result in God’s decisive retribution.
God holds all peoples accountable for wickedness.
God is infinitely just and profoundly merciful.
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