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Ezekiel 26 Commentary

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Ezekiel’s precise dating of this moment highlights God’s timely and directed revelation.

God’s judgment on Tyre in Ezekiel 26:2 warns us that prideful rejoicing over another’s downfall, no matter how powerful or prosperous we may be, invites inevitable consequences.

Tyre’s demise reminds us that no worldly stronghold can endure against the steady waves of God’s sovereignty.

Tyre’s infamous collapse stands as a reminder that no city or people can stand confidently apart from the LORD.

God’s judgment against Tyre in Ezekiel 26:5 shows that no earthly might can withstand His sovereign plan.

God’s ultimate authority triumphs over all earthly strength.

Ezekiel 26:7 demonstrates that God can employ even the greatest powers of the world to accomplish His judgments.

Tyre would experience a relentless campaign leading to a drastic shift in its prosperity and influence.

God’s judgment will always prevail over human pride.

Tyre’s walls and proud defenses would be overwhelmed by a formidable onslaught of warhorses, chariots, and invaders, underscoring that no worldly power is invincible before God’s judgment.

God’s judgment on Tyre reminds us that neither wealth nor military power can prevent a downfall when a nation’s heart is hardened.

Tyre’s downfall serves as a reminder that pride and reliance on worldly wealth cannot stand before the sovereignty of God.

God’s judgment in Ezekiel 26:13 is a sober reminder that no earthly power can stand when it defies His rule.

Tyre’s downfall testifies to the fulfillment of God’s word and the futility of pride.

Tyre’s judgment demonstrates that no fortified city can stand forever under human power alone.

God’s judgment on Tyre demonstrates His supreme authority and the inevitable humbling of prideful rulers.

All earthly glory eventually fades, and God’s judgment is inevitable against pride.

Truly, Tyre’s pride and wealth could not prevent its fall.

God’s judgment humbles even the mightiest worldly strongholds.

God uses Tyre’s downfall to show that no worldly power can stand when it boasts against the Almighty.

Tyre’s fall vividly symbolizes the inevitable end for those who exalt themselves above the Lord God and rely on their own might.

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