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Ezekiel 34 Commentary

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God calls His prophet to speak on His behalf and to hold accountable those entrusted with leadership.

This verse warns spiritual and political leaders to care for those they serve.

This verse reminds us that true leadership must mirror God’s kindness and justice.

God’s true leaders are meant to protect, comfort, and restore the flock entrusted to them.

Israel’s leaders neglected their duty, causing God’s people to be exposed, exploited, and spiritually unfed.

The verse demonstrates that even when God’s flock appears scattered and isolated, the LORD Himself commits to finding and rescuing them.

God calls all leaders to hear and obey His command, emphasizing compassionate, righteous care for those under their guidance.

God’s warning: when leaders neglect and exploit people, He steps in to restore and protect.

God’s shepherds must heed His word or face correction.

God Himself will protect His flock and remove any leader who feeds on them rather than feeds them.

God Himself will never abandon His true flock.

God’s tender pursuit of His people is unwavering.

God promises to faithfully gather, restore, and provide for those who are far from Him.

God’s promise here is His pledge to nourish hearts and souls that have been scattered, and to provide peace where there has been turmoil.

God takes on the loving role of tending His people and leading them toward a life of peace.

God restores the broken and judges wrongdoing to safeguard and guide His people.

God is committed to distinguishing between those who genuinely serve Him and those who do not.

God desires leaders to be loving shepherds, not ones who trample and pollute what is good.

God calls leaders to nurture, not damage, His flock.

God alone will vindicate His flock in righteousness.

This verse calls every believer to be gentle shepherds to those who need care and unity.

God promises to protect His people from danger and establish justice among them.

It means that God promises to once again care for His people under a faithful Davidic king, ultimately fulfilled by Jesus as the Good Shepherd.

This verse assures believers of God’s steadfast plan.

God’s covenant of peace promises a future of freedom, safety, and divine presence.

God’s unrelenting favor will refresh and restore all who remain close to Him.

God’s deliverance always leads to abundant fruitfulness and enduring freedom.

They will never again be helpless targets, for the LORD Himself will be their vigilant Shepherd.

God promises in Ezekiel 34:29 to give His people a secure and honored future, banishing famine and ridicule forever.

God promises to be with His people, restoring their identity and confirming their belonging in Him.

God is the true Shepherd who lovingly declares that His people are His valued flock.

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