Ezekiel 35 Commentary
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God’s word calls His people to heed His instructions and remain faithful despite external oppression.
This verse highlights God’s judgment on the hostility of Edom and assures that no wrongdoing escapes the notice of the LORD.
God’s sovereignty and power will confront unrepentant wrongdoing wherever it is found.
This verse declares that God will act decisively in His holiness so that everyone will know He is LORD.
This verse shows the danger of carrying hatred across generations and underscores God’s demand for justice.
God’s justice upon those who delight in bloodshed is certain.
God’s judgment on Mount Seir warns us that those who persist in hostility and refuse repentance will face desolation.
God’s thorough judgment on Edom in Ezekiel 35:8 warns that no nation can prosper by warring against divine purposes.
This verse underlines the serious and final nature of God’s judgment on those who persist in rejecting Him.
God will uphold His word, and those who ignore His presence will ultimately face accountability.
God holds every action accountable, and He stands ready to display His holiness when confronting hatred.
God hears the mocking words of those who despise His people and stands ready to bring justice.
Edom’s prideful words will be confronted by the God who hears all.
This verse reminds us that God sees every act of arrogance, and His perfect justice will prevail.
God holds nations and individuals accountable for how they treat one another.
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