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Hebrews 2 Commentary

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Hebrews 2:1-4 meaning

Christians have received the greatest salvation, better than the law of the Old Testament. We should take Christ's teachings seriously or else we will wander from them and miss out on a great blessing. We need to be fully delivered from the negative consequences of the Fall, by being completely restored to our original design. 

Hebrews 2:5-8 meaning

God appointed man, not angels, to rule over the earth. Man has failed to rule over the earth because he fell into sin through Adam. But Jesus has restored the right of humans to reign, and invites each believer to share this inheritance with Him, by sharing in His sufferings.

Hebrews 2:9 meaning

Christ humbled Himself lower than angels by becoming a man and living the life of a human. Christ suffered death, out of obedience to God, and was rewarded with the glory and honor first bestowed to Adam, meaning that Christ has inherited the earth to rule over it. It is through experiencing his suffering of obedience that we can join Him in sharing His inheritance.

Hebrews 2:10-13 meaning

Christ, the Son of God, created the universe and has inherited the earth as a possession as well as being its King. Jesus wants to mature Christians through sanctification and the suffering of rejection by the world so that they can become sons as well, and serve as co-rulers with Him in the future. He has already saved us to be children of God, and He considers us brothers. He wants many brothers to also share His glory. The reward of this glory requires walking in faithful obedience.

Hebrews 2:14-18 meaning

Christ became a human to save humankind from the power of sin and death. By becoming a human and liberating us, He now acts as a high priest. He knows and has experienced the temptations humans suffer, and He is available to help those who ask for it.