Jeremiah 23 Commentary
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God holds leaders accountable for protecting His people and will not allow them to scatter or be destroyed forever.
God will judge the shepherds of Israel who fail to properly care for His people.
God restores the faithful and grants them abundance.
God’s promise in Jeremiah 23:4 ultimately affirms that He will watch over His people and replace fear with lasting security.
This verse reveals the certainty of God’s promise of a future, righteous King from David’s lineage, ensuring hope for both ancient and present-day believers.
This verse assures every believer that the Lord Himself is our righteousness.
God’s faithfulness declares that a new deliverance will overshadow the original Exodus.
God’s promise to restore His people demonstrates His unchanging faithfulness.
God’s prophet mourns the corruption of spiritual leaders and trembles with the divine burden they have forsaken.
Sin robs the land of its intended fruitfulness and the people of their rightful blessing.
They illustrate how God’s anger falls even more heavily on those with spiritual authority who misrepresent His name.
Their self-made dark path resulted in harsh consequences.
God condemns the prophets of Samaria for embracing idolatry and misleading His people away from true worship.
Jeremiah compares the prophets’ corruption to the flagrant sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, warning that such evil leadership leads a nation toward judgment.
This verse warns that corrupt spiritual leadership leads to widespread moral decay and will be answered with God’s bitter judgment.
Jeremiah 23:16 sternly warns God’s people not to be misled by false voices promising what God has not truly declared.
God calls His people to beware empty promises of safety and pay heed to the voice that beckons them to align with His ways.
God alone can validate true prophecy.
God’s judgment is inevitable, but His grace is always available through humble submission and repentance.
God will never relent in fulfilling His righteous purposes, and His discipline always has our repentance and renewal in view.
They falsely spoke in the name of the LORD, and their claims did not carry God’s blessing.
True repentance happens when people hear and follow God’s counsel, transforming them from evil ways into paths of righteousness.
God sees everything and is always near.
God’s unbounded presence demonstrates that everything is known to Him, encouraging both repentance and humility in those who truly believe.
God exposes false claims and calls followers to discern truth from deception.
False prophets speak the deception of their own hearts, stirring false hope and denying people the saving truth of God.
God’s people must remain vigilant against false teachings that distort the truth and draw them away from a sincere relationship with the LORD.
God wants His people to hold fast to His unchanging Word.
God’s word powerfully exposes and refines hearts like fire, and crushes hardened resistance like a hammer.
God opposes every false word that masquerades as His truth.
God stands firmly against those who misrepresent His voice.
God strongly opposes those who falsify His word and mislead others.
The people’s irreverence for divine truth provokes God to remove His guidance and protection.
God strongly condemns the misuse of His name and the twisting of His words, making clear that the consequence of misrepresenting Him is unavoidable.
God’s word must be received with sincere hearts seeking truth.
God’s Word must never be replaced by the words and ideas of mankind.
God strictly requires His people to verify the authenticity of any supposed revelation with sober scrutiny.
God warns that His people must never misuse His word.
Jeremiah 23:39 warns that the Lord’s protection and blessing can be lost through persistent disobedience, a reminder that only genuine faith and obedience keep us in God’s presence.
God vividly declares that the consequences of misguiding His people will be etched into history forever.
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