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Matthew 18 Commentary

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Matthew 18:1-5 meaning

The disciples enter the house and ask Jesus about who would be the greatest is in the kingdom of heaven. He holds a child and tells them that they must become like this humble child if they are to enter God’s kingdom.

Matthew 18:6-7 meaning

Having taught about greatness in the kingdom, Jesus now teaches about failure. He teaches that becoming a stumbling block to little ones is an immediate disqualifier for the rewards of the kingdom. He compares becoming such a stumbling block to having a heavy weight tied around one's neck and being hurled into the sea.

Matthew 18:8-9 meaning

Jesus repeats a metaphor from the Sermon on the Mount warning His disciples that it is better for them to lose part of their body now and enter His kingdom, than to keep all of their body now and miss entering His kingdom.

Matthew 18:10 meaning

Jesus warns His disciples not to dismiss or mistreat one of these little ones because their angels are always telling the King of Heaven how they were being treated.

Matthew 18:11-14 meaning

In the context of showing how much these little ones mean to Jesus and His Father, Jesus shares that the very reason He came as the Messiah was to save them. He then tells His disciples the parable of the lost sheep as a depiction of His deep concern for these little ones.

Matthew 18:15-17 meaning

Jesus teaches His disciples a practical way to help and confront a brother who has become ensnared by sin. It seeks to keep his reputation intact while offering him a chance for repentance.

Matthew 18:18-20 meaning

Jesus reminds the disciples that they have been granted the keys of heaven to call upon God's power to work in them as they proclaim His kingdom on earth, and they have the capacity to redeem things on earth for the kingdom in heaven. Jesus promises that His Father will grant them whatever they ask if even two followers ask and agree.

Matthew 18:21-22 meaning

Peter asks Jesus where he should set the limits of his mercy toward his brother and suggested that he should forgive him up to seven times. Jesus said no, do not put limits on your forgiveness, and told Peter to forgive his brother as many times as needed without any limitation whatsoever.

Matthew 18:23-35 meaning

Jesus tells Peter a parable to emphasize the importance of unlimited forgiveness. It is about how the king forgives an absurdly unpayable debt of one of his ministers when the minister begs for mercy. But this same minister is unwilling to forgive a modest debt that one of his peers owes him. He has the debtor thrown into prison. When the king learns of this unmerciful minister, he seizes him and has him thrown in prison until the debt is paid.