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Galatians 3:23-29 meaning
Paul is reiterating to the audience that before faith came, the Jewish people were kept in custody under the law, because anyone who tries to obey the law is under the law (as Paul says in verse 12). The law was a guide, or a tutor to show people their need for Jesus and lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith. Again, Paul hammers home the point that justification in the presence of God comes only through faith. Nothing we do, no rules we follow affects our status as a child of God. By faith we enter God's family and are made whole in His sight.
And now that faith has come through Jesus's sacrifice, they are no longer under a tutor (i.e. the Law). Paul insists that the Galatians are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Believing in Jesus has made the Galatians a part of the promise to Abraham, and therefore they are in the family of Abraham, the family of promise.
Here, Paul reminds his audience it is through faith that we become sons of God, not by the law or a Jewish bloodline. When these Galatians believed in Paul's gospel message, they were baptized into Christ have clothed [themselves] with Christ. Because of this, there is no difference between Jews and non-Jews, because it is through faith in Christ that we become sons and daughters of God, not by works of the law or our bloodline. Paul closes out in summary: if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to the promise.