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1 Peter 1:1-2 meaningJune 13, 2024

The Apostle Peter writes to persecuted Christians forced to move from Jerusalem to various parts of Asia Minor. He reminds them of God’s foreknowledge in choosing them and the Spirit’s work in setting them apart as holy. He wishes for them all the grace and peace they will need to live faithfully for Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:21 meaningJune 13, 2024

God the Father and God the Son acted out a plan to restore the relationship between man and God. God the Father sent God the Son in a human body to live in perfect obedience and die as the perfect sacrifice for everyone’s sins, then He raised Him back to life. Now, by believing in Jesus the Son, we can choose not to sin, and can now live rightly according to God’s good design.

2 Corinthians 5:18-20 meaningJune 13, 2024

For Paul, being “in Christ” was everything, and everything he did, thought, and spoke came from this perspective or worldview. The fear of the Lord, the compelling love of Christ, the conviction that Christ died for him and for all, the lens of the Spirit and not the flesh, the message and ministry of reconciliation, and being an ambassador of Christ and His purpose, all came from Paul being “in Christ.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 meaningJune 13, 2024

Each believer in Christ has transformed into a new person. It is as though we were born again, into a new life, so that we can live as Christ lived. We can live in obedience and fellowship with God because we now have Christ living in us. This is an amazing change of our entire identity and reality.

2 Corinthians 5:12-16 meaningJune 13, 2024

Paul is not seeking the approval of the Corinthians; rather, he is showing them that they should not seek the approval of men, who only judge externals and don’t know the heart. If we live by remembering that Jesus will judge us, not men, and act out our conscience, then we do not have to fear the opinions of other people. Paul lives by the leading of Jesus’s love, because Jesus died and resurrected to save all men, thus Paul lives not for himself or others’ approval, but in Jesus’s example and for His approval.

2 Corinthians 5:9-11 meaningJune 12, 2024

Our goal is to please God in light of our coming appearance before the judgment seat of Christ. He will reward us for our obedience, but for our bad actions, we will suffer a loss of rewards which could have been. Paul lives in obedience to God to preach to others because he remembers that this judgment day is coming.

2 Corinthians 5:1-8 meaningJune 12, 2024

Paul compares our earthly bodies to a tent, something that is transitory and temporary. He contrasts the tent with a building that is permanent and built by God, which will be our eternal dwelling. We walk by faith and not by sight through the Holy Spirit which has been given to us as a deposit on what is to come. This life is fleeting, and it will be better to be with God.

Micah 4:9-13 meaningJune 6, 2024

Micah now described four events that would occur before the future Messianic Kingdom.

Job 1:13-22 meaningJune 6, 2024

Tragedies Sent by Satan: Satan orchestrates multiple disasters for Job, all on the same day. The Sabeans steal Job’s oxen and donkeys. Fire from the sky consumes his sheep and shepherds. The Chaldeans steal his camels and slay his servants. Worst of all, a wind blows against the house of his son, and the house collapses, killing every one of Job’s children. Job mourns these circumstances, but he worships God all the same. He knows that nothing belongs to him, and all material things will not last. Job does not blame God; he praises Him.

Hosea 8:1-7 meaningJune 6, 2024

The LORD announces judgment on Israel because she has rejected Him and His covenantal laws. Israel will thus reap what she sows, and incur the consequences for their behavior, as spelled out in their covenant agreement with God.

Zechariah 5:1-4 meaningJune 6, 2024

Zechariah sees a flying scroll with curses written on each side. The scroll is the instrument through which the LORD will punish thieves and those who abuse His name by making false oaths.

Haggai 2:10-19 meaningJune 6, 2024

The prophet Haggai receives the third message from the LORD during the second year of King Darius of Persia. He demonstrates how walking in obedience to God’s ways leads to blessing while exposing the unfaithfulness of the people, causing God to discipline them. Finally, he tells the Judeans that the LORD will bless them from this time on because they have followed Him and started to rebuild.

Matthew 26:17-19 meaningJune 6, 2024

Instructions for Passover: Jesus’s disciples ask Him on the first day of Unleavened Bread where He wants to keep the Passover. He sends them into the city to find a certain man and deliver a message that Jesus will observe Passover at His house. The disciples follow Jesus’s instructions and Passover preparations are made. This short passage also contains important clues to help us piece together the final days and hours of Jesus’s life.

Daniel 8:9-14 meaningJune 6, 2024

The Vision of the Ram and the Goat: Another horn grows from the four horns on the goat’s head. This horn grows enormous, reaching up into heaven and knocking stars from the sky, trampling them. It glorifies itself as equal with God. It puts itself in the Temple of God and prevents the Jewish people from making sacrifices. Daniel hears an angel tell another angel that this evil time will last for 2,300 days and nights, before the Temple is rescued.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 meaningJune 6, 2024

Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to be sanctified, to live a life apart from sin and worldliness. Primarily this means living a sexually pure life. Sexual immorality is exploitative—it hurts other people. Sexual self-control allows us to love one another, rather than use each other.

John 3:17-21 meaningJune 6, 2024

Jesus has not come into the world to judge or rule it just yet; He has come to die the death of a suffering servant for the world’s sins. Whoever believes in Him will be saved from judgment, and will be reconciled to God, but whoever does not believe already stands condemned to separation from God. Jesus declares He is the Light, but men choose darkness so that they may sin continually. There is one fundamental choice in life: to either hate and fear the Light so that you can persist in sin, or to go to the Light and practice the truth and deeds ordained by God.

Psalm 23:4-6 meaningJune 6, 2024

No matter what circumstances abound, God transcends it all. He provides now and forevermore, to great affect in both this human life and the one to come.

Joel 2:15-17 meaningJune 6, 2024

Joel urges the entire community of Judah to gather for a sacred fast with the hope that the Suzerain God will forgive and restore.

Ruth 3:10-13 meaningJune 6, 2024

Boaz explains that there is a relative closer than him.

Luke 1:1-4 meaningMay 22, 2024

Luke begins his Gospel account with a preface to a man called Theophilus, whose name means: “friend of God.”

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