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John 2 Commentary

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John 2:1-5 meaning

Jesus and His new disciples attend a wedding in Cana, but a problem arises when the wine runs out before the end of the celebration. Jesus's mother, Mary, entreats him to intervene and solve this problem for the couple and their family. Jesus questions what the problem has to do with His mother and Himself, and insists that His time has not yet come. Despite this, Mary confidently tells the wedding servants to listen to Jesus and do whatever He says.

John 2:6-10 meaning

Jesus turns to the servants of the wedding feast and instructs them to fill six large stone jars with water. Once they have done so, He tells them to draw some of the water out and take it to the master of the feast. They do so, at which point the master of the feast discovers that the water has been made into fine wine and expresses amazement that the bridegroom has saved the best wine for last.

John 2:11-12 meaning

John provides a brief commentary after the miracle. The wedding was Jesus’s first public sign, it showed His glory, and it caused His disciples to believe in Him.

John 2:13-17 meaning

John reports that Jesus's public ministry begins at Cana (John 2:1-12), albeit somewhat inconspicuously. He does not stay discrete for long, however, as John next reports that Jesus travels to Jerusalem for Passover, where He confronts the moneychangers and animal sellers who had set up shop in the temple. He drives them out of the temple with a whip, declaring that His Father's house should not be made into a place of business. 

John 2:18-22 meaning

After Jesus drives the money changers and salesmen out of the temple, He is confronted by the Jewish leaders, who ask Him for a sign of His authority to do such things. Jesus tells them that if they destroy this temple, He will raise it up in three days. The Jews, and likely everyone present, misunderstand Jesus to be talking about the physical temple, when in fact He is making a prediction about His eventual death and resurrection. Only after His resurrection did Jesus's disciples understand the true meaning of His enigmatic remark.

John 2:23-25 meaning

John reports that while Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover, many people believed in Him because of the signs He was doing. But Jesus does not entrust Himself to them because He knows the fallibility of the human heart.